The Givon Art Forum
Givon Art Forum is a new initiative which seeks to address a perceived gap between the activities of today’s private gallery and the museum. Events and exhibitions will explore a range of propositions and views — be they those of the artist or the curator —signaling new directions and forging new understandings.
The activities of the Forum will be broad enough to accommodate one-off events in a variety of media including: sculpture, video, installation, architecture, painting, drawing, new media. The common denominator linking all these activities will be an emphasis on ideas that in turn have the capacity to generate experience. The Forum will not only encourage but critically examine the role of the collector in today's art world.
The Forum insists on the primacy of the work of art independently of market or other considerations.
Noemi Givon established the Givon Art Forum in 2012 and is co-director of Givon Art Gallery in Tel Aviv.